We now own the large Maypole from the Countryfile Live shows and it has a new home at the Chiltern Open Air Museum where it was introduced on May 23rd along with a range of other dances. Some of the pictures went mildly infectious if hardly viral. More will follow over the next few months as the Museum expand their programme.
We also were invited to perform at Spring Live and were able to put shows together after consulting the government’s rules for “Performing Arts in a Professional Context” and adapting our repertoire to allow for more social distancing.
Claire Butler and Tim Walker will be doing two days teaching at Bourne Westfield School in Lincolnshire as part of their Arts Week and I will be adding an after school Teacher Training Session. Great to have a school with vision and a chance to help them.
Meanwhile I have been reviewing my various books and it looks very likely that digital versions will be available in the next few months – watch this space
Last month I delivered an online talk for Beckenham Rotary Club which converted some sceptics to the beauty and relevance of country dancing and is likely to lead to some more events when they start their live programme once more.
Elsewhere I have now performed live at a Care Home and have bookings for a local Beavers group, a Tudor Dance party and various wedding events over the next few months while waiting for a return to Folk Dancing in the autumn.
Sadly Allcock & Brown will be calling it a day after 11 years of fun. We will still be available for a farewell gig or two but both of us are focused on other things. Of course, the CDs are still in the shop and they make wonderful Christmas presents with all the cheerful songs.
The mAy team at Spring Live!
The mAy team at Spring Live!
Installation at COAM
Maypole in Lockdown - St-Albans
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