Scottish for Burns Night and St Andrew’s Day Set List

Scotland the Brave
Mairie’s Wedding
Ye Banks and Braes
Rambling Rover
Calum’s Road/ The Hut on Staffin Island
Skye Boat Song
My Love She’s but a lassie yet
Loch Lomond
Donald, where’s yer troosers
(Dark Island/Tales of Para Handy)
My Love is but a Red, Red Rose
Muckin o’ Geordie’s Byre
I belong to Glasgow (Will Fyffe – 1920)
Battle of the Somme (pipe Major William Laurie, Argyll & Sutherland)
Charlie is my Darling
Dashing White Sargeant
Auld Lang Syne

Rogues in a Nation
Henry Martin
Northern Lights of old Aberdeen
Local Hero
Flowers of Edinburgh
Cutting Bracken
Fair and Young
Neil Gow
Flower of Scotland